From one small carnicería in Van Nuys to 55 full-service markets across California.

In 1985, the Gonzalez family opened Carnicería Vallarta, a small market in Van Nuys, CA. The family focused on selling traditional cuts of meats popular in their native Mexico. They worked together to build a reputation for overall excellence and high-quality, authentic products that continues today.
A living tribute to the hard work and dedication to customer service of our founding family.
Vallarta stores have grown to include a juice and aquas frescas bar, tortillería, a cevichería and more. You can see and feel the founding principles of the Gonzalez family in every Vallarta store: customer service, commitment, integrity, respect, humility, and teamwork.

Core Values
Customer Service
Extraordinary customer service is the key to success in our business. Treat each customer as if they are the most important person in the world, because they are.
Respect is shown to everyone, especially our customers.
We believe that everyone is important and treat them that way.
Commitment is essential to reach any goal in life. Stay focused and have the will to do what others are not willing to do.
Integrity builds trust between customers, coworkers, and vendors.
Practice high moral and professional principles and do the right thing at all times.
Humility allows us all to work together as one. Always keep an open mind and make time to help others.
Teamwork makes every aspect of our day more productive and more enjoyable. Believe in and support each other at all times.